The Chunklet Music Preservation Project

Shortly after Plus 1:Atlanta was released, we established the Chunklet Music Preservation Project, Inc., a 501c3 organization whose mission  is to collect and preserve music and music-related ephemera for future scholarship and enjoyment. 

One of our first projects was to locate more materials about the Athens-based band Limbo District. For most people, the only glimpse of Limbo District was in the 1987 documentary Athens, GA: Inside/Out. Henry had pursued finding out anything about the band for the last 30 years. 

Over its two-year lifespan, Limbo District had a total of seven members, including Jerry/Jeremy Ayers, whom Henry had known before his death but was unaware he was ever involved with the band. Jeremy, Davey Stevenson, and Dominque Amet are all now deceased. Margarita Bilbao and Tim Lacey live elsewhere. Kelly Crow lives in Atlanta, and Craig Woodall is in Athens. With extraordinary help from Kelly and from Clare Butler (Now Explosion), Henry was able to track down the unreleased studio recordings of the band, as well an extensive collection of flyers and posters, including iconic band posters by designer Bill Georgia and original mechanicals created by Jerry Ayers. 

Additionally, we have been in the process of acquiring the collection of photographer Marlys Lenz Cox. Marlys had befriended Davey’s older brother Gordon (Teenage Jesus & the Jerks) in Florida, and she quickly became an avid fan of Gordon’s brother’s band. For her MFA show for Georgia State University, Marlys concepted a photo shoot of the band as an early 20th-century roving circus. That photo shoot was filmed by Jim Herbert, at Ayers’ suggestion.

On April 15th, the Project held its first event at Cine in Athens. Working with UGA Special Collections and with Jim Herbert’s express permission, Mr. Herbert’s 1983 short film “Carnival” was restored from the original reels, as were 20 minutes of unseen B-roll footage. David Barbe and Jason Newsmith of Chase Park Transduction did a beautiful job of restoring the audio. The short was screened, then Richard Fausset did an extensive Q&A with Jim Herbert about the film and about his career. Then the film was shown again, with the B-rolls and a video recording of Limbo District performing at the Nitery. Mr. Herbert commented that it was “on par with the Met” and perhaps the best thing ever done. When he saw how Henry had edited the B-rolls, he said that he now wished he’d used some of that footage in 1983.

The Project secured agreements with Bill Georgia and with Marlys Lenz Cox to reproduce some of their original works, with proceeds benefiting the non-profit. Over the next two years, we anticipate releasing multiple records and reproductions of more of Marlys’ exquisite hand-colored photographs. We are also traveling to Durham next month to meet with Barbara MacKenzie (Flannery O’Connor’s Georgia), who photographed bands regularly in Athens and in Atlanta. Lars Gotrich premiered the first single, “Encased,” on March 31st. 

The band’s story is fascinating, and unearthing them has felt much like resurrecting a beautiful ghost. 

We intend to show the film in June at the Plaza. Rather than interview Jim Herbert again, we will have Kelly Crow and Clare Butler, whose band, the Now Explosion, performed very often with Limbo District. Clare was very close with Davey Stevenson and Marlys Lenz Cox, in particular, and was present for much of the band’s life. Neither Craig nor Marlys are well, and it would be almost impossible to get either to Atlanta. Tom Zarilli has kindly offered us his help and support in holding an Atlanta screening.

Your knowledge base and history, as well as your support of the arts and music in Atlanta, make you a natural choice for moderator, if you’re available. We have not finalized a date, except that it will be at the Plaza on a Wednesday evening, when the Plaza offers a special non-profit rate for events. The total run time on the entire film package is approximately 45 minutes. (I don’t think I breathed until two-thirds of the way through it.) We strongly believe Limbo District is a hidden treasure of Georgia music, and we are excited to finally be bringing them into the light. —Stephanie Quinn Jackson

Plus 1 Athens, Atlanta & Georgia (aka “What’s Been Going On At Chunklet HQ?”)

Man, I’ve got to learn to update this site more often!

I’m very proud to say that I’m now fully divorced, and moving forth with all vigor and speed to what has been attracting me, which is…….

While I was working on the Pylon box a year or so ago, I started thinking a book of Athens show flyers would be a good idea. And while I was at it, I thought to myself it would be just as easy to to a book of Atlanta while I’m working on Athens. And well, that started in May 2021.

Since then, I’ve personally scanned over 13,000 pieces. Yes. You read that right. To those wondering how I scanned everything, it was done by yours truly using pretty darned good equipment.

Plus 1 Athens seemed like the most obvious place to start, so in August 2021 I started the book. By late October, it was out and sold out of the first printing of 500 within 3 weeks.

The Athens book is a love letter to a city I will always call home. I got show flyers dating from 1967 to 2003 with essays from both Michael and Vanessa from Pylon, Arthur Johnson from the BBQ Killers with a foreword by Dave Schools from Widespread Panic and an afterword by Patterson Hood from Drive-By Truckers. I think I knocked it outta the park.

With the proceeds of the Athens book, I decided to upgrade my scanner. Now I’m a fully self-contained scanning machine. Except the machine part. That’s the scanner.

That’s a photo Stephanie took of me in North Georgia scanning original Brains posters from the 70s. Pretty sweet stuff.

Anyway, the Atlanta book is going to print (fingers crossed) this week. After that happens, I start on the state of Georgia. Yes, the whole state.

In the meantime, you might be asking “How does this affect me, Henry?” Well, simply put, what do you have to add to the collection? And this isn’t just Georgia. No, I’ve already started preliminary work on a book of Alabama and have been asking around in both Pittsburgh and Baltimore to begin a book of those cities. So if you’re a Chunklet fan, this is the direction I’ve been going in recently. Preservation. Gotta say, it’s fun.

That’s not to say I’ve not been putting out records and other nonsense. Silly! No, I’ve been doing that too! Go over to the Chunklet bandcamp site to see what’s up. During the pandemic I blew past 100 releases, so get with it.

Feel free to get in touch about anything. And again, sorry I didn’t update this thing for so long.

What’s Been Happening at Chunklet HQ?

I spend all of this money on a new Chunklet website, and I’ve been incredibly negligent in posting things. So here’s an update.

First off, I’ve released my very first single. Of my own stuff, that is. “Micro Impressions Volume 1” is available now on Bandcamp and will be in stores in the very near future. “Henry, what’s your first single?” That’s a good question!

“Micro Impressions Volume 1” is a collection of my one-second band impressions. Recorded live. About fifty of them. Imagine an issue of Chunklet crammed into a vinyl record. I wrote a ton for it and included approximately 100 (!!!!) reviews of the single which were all written by my friends. The sleeve was designed by Nolen Strals from Post Typography and is mighty fancy. There y’have it.

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I should also add that our long-time distributor, Carrot Top out of Chicago, folded. Although that’s bad news for us all, Chunklet was fortunately picked up by Revolver almost immediately after the news was announced. So for those that wonder where to get our releases…..well, Revolver. Ask for Bobo.

I’ve also been venturing more and more into releasing records by Georgia-based musicians because, let’s face it, things are downright bonkers here in town. The most recent releases have been by Omni (featuring two outtakes from their first LP on Trouble In Mind) and an EP by drag-dressin’ freaks The Material Girls. Both releases are fantastic.


I also got the crazy idea to release three lathe-cut singles by three Atlanta bands in one night. DiCaprio, Nag and Death Stuff. Even made a cassette collecting all three. Check it out!

Coming up is a full length LP by All The Saints, a single by The Gotobeds and a slew of split singles. One of the splits features Robert Schneider from the Apples in Stereo and Will from the Olivia Tremor Control. The band is called The Patient. Release date is late September. Stay tuned.

I also made some enamel pins because yolo.


That’s about it. Been working furiously and relaxing…uh, un-furiously. Until next time.

Not now. Not ever. This is not how my country acts.

Look, if you voted for this sociopath, I’m sure you had your reasons. However, one week into his illegitimate presidency, lives are being destroyed. America isn’t safe. The world isn’t safe. I’ll be damned if I will sit by idly and let this happen. Let history reflect that we, the majority, didn’t participate in this.

Shirts are being made and all proceeds go to benefit the American Immigration Council. Buy now.


The Apples in stereo’s Long Outta Print “Science Faire” Reissued by Chunklet

The Elephant Six collective’s family tree is beyond diverse. From The Olivia Tremor Control and Neutral Milk Hotel to Elf Power, Of Montreal, Beulah, The Minders and countless others. But don’t fool nobody, the very first vinyl release, the starting point for all that came after it was The Apples self-released EP in 1993. As with all of their material, it was recorded and produced by Robert Schneider.

The band released a subsequent single on the Bus Stop Label the next year and a peppering of split releases before their first full length, Fun Trick Noisemaker, which came out in 1995.


Long out of print, Science Faire collects the band’s very earliest material in the original format that all of these releases came out: on seven-inch vinyl!

Complete with posters, stickers and books, Science Faire is painstakingly reproduced exactly how they were originally. Each side of vinyl is stretched to their absolute limit with maximum times per side. Again, just like the originals. The third single (“Time For Bed”) also includes never before seen artwork by The Olivia Tremor Control’s W. Cullen Hart from back in the early 90’s. Additionally, the track “Onto Something” is included here which wasn’t included with the original release.

All three singles are housed in a special package created by Chunklet’s in-house designer Henry Owings.

Mail order copies will come on special colors of vinyl and a reprint of the very first Apples shirt.

A limited edition of 500. 

Also available on Bandcamp.

Pre-orders ship some time before Christmas (we hope).

We’re All In This Together. Except You. You’re A Dick. T-shirts back in print!

I’m not going to lie. This past week has been an absolute beast for me. You start thinking that the national narrative clearly wouldn’t veer towards a racist, homophobic, tax-dodging pig, but here we are with said pig a mere flick of the finger from the bomb. Thanks, America. You’ve really disappointed me. Anybody that’s not a rich white man should be ashamed of themselves for allowing a man who very openly hates all of us get the presidency. We went from a Harvard Constitutional Law professor to a reality show judge who marginalizes everybody. Congratulations, America. Or what is left of it.

In a genuine effort to keep my spirits up and my general level of malaise down, I’ve taken myself off social media which, to be honest, hasn’t been all that bad. However, in one of my last peeks into Facebook, I saw that my good pal Nolen Strals posted an image of his beaten up “We’re All In This Together” t-shirt which had to be over a decade old.



Now, to those who may remember, this design was entirely thought up back in the late 90’s by Mark Wasserman from Plinko in San Francisco. A wildly successful design for the time, I’ve decided to resurrect this shirt indefinitely in a vague way to cheer myself up amidst the steaming shit sandwich that our country will be forcing down our gullet for (at least) the next 4 years.

Every printing of this shirt has been on a different color, and no, I don’t remember which was the first, but I’ve made literally thousands of this shirt and it’s now available for sale on navy blue American Apparel 2001 shirts. Also! Every order comes with the design you all love printed on bright red vinyl stickers. Just like that.

And again, in an attempt to cheer myself up, I saw that Jeff from Wilco gave Chunklet a tip of the hat regarding this shirt. Surreal to have folk at that level notice what I’ve done, but so be it. Top of the world, ma!


Also available on Bandcamp.


Jerry Lewis’s The Day The Clown Cried

Often considered the apex of Jerry Lewis’s delusional search for comedy, the movie “The Day The Clown Cried” is the largest smear and/or question mark in his prolonged career. I’ve seen a script (it’s been widely circulated in Hollywood for years, often getting celebrity filled table reads at comedy clubs), and hoo buddy is it bad. Harry Shearer is the only person who has claimed to see it, and it will only be seen by us mere mortals some time in the 2040’s thanks to Mr. Lewis endowing it to the Library of Congress.


Elevator pitch of “Clown”: Jerry Lewis plays a clown that cheers up kids at a children’s concentration camp. Let that sink in for a second.

But now, some enterprising film buff has found 30 minutes or so of footage and has put it on line. I strongly recommend watching it now before it’s gone tomorrow.

Pylon “LIVE” 2xLP available now for pre-order

“Randy Bewley and Michael Lachowski’s simple lines display untoward rhythm and melody, respectively. Curtis Crowe bangs away so obdurately it’s hard to understand why he didn’t become rich. Vanessa Briscoe Hay barks and brays whatever incantatory phrases seem called for. Timeless. Cool.” Robert Christgau, Dean of American Rock Critics 

“[Pylon] stands as shockingly modern and unparalleled these many years later.”  Michael Stipe, R.E.M. 

1983 was a banner year for Pylon. The Athens quartet released their second album, Chomp, on Atlanta-based DB Records, toured the country extensively, and played several opening slots for then-up-and-comers U2. And then, without a hint of explanation, they quit. 

Their final show at the Mad Hatter in Athens, Georgia, was, as was always the case, a frenzy of minimal disco thud, post-punk guitar scree, and deliriously inspired howl. Oh, and dancing — always dancing — both in the crowd and on stage. The gig was recorded (both audio and video) for a failed PBS pilot called Athens Shows, and the tapes were put away and forgotten. That is, until now. 

Around three years ago, after Pylon’s DFA reissues hit the street, Chunklet CEO (and card-carrying member of the Pylon Fan Club) Henry Owings emailed the band bemoaning the lack of bonus material on the CDs, which sparked a larger conversation. “My favorite Pylon is live Pylon,” said bassist Michael Lachowski, with which Henry wholeheartedly agreed. Following a cordial sit-down at Michael’s apartment over the New Year’s holiday of 2015, an exhaustive search began for live recordings by Pylon. More specifically, live recordings from Athens in the early ’80s. Oh, and that sounded as good, if not better, than their proper full-length albums. 

Numerous dead ends followed, but finally, and somewhat fittingly, the multitrack recordings of Pylon’s final performance at the Mad Hatter in 1983 were unearthed. Once the tapes were transferred and subsequently mixed, the explosive and compelling sounds raised one very significant question: Why in the world did Pylon quit? 

For a band whose legacy, in their original incarnation at least, was two full-length albums and a handful of singles, Pylon were first and foremost a live band who weren’t as interested in working in a studio. Pylon’s raison d’être was performing for a crowd, and now there’s conclusive validation. 

Pylon Live is a double vinyl album recorded on the band’s home turf at the culmination of their powers, and the results could not be more stellar. An all killer, no filler set with nothing left on the cutting room floor, Pylon Live includes powerful versions of the Pylon canon from their first and second LPs and even the hard-to-find song “Party Zone” (previously available only on a DB Rec comp) and their never-before-released rendition of the “Batman Theme.” 

When compared to the band’s prior body of work, Pylon Live bookends all of it; some might even say it’s a better representation of this Athens quartet, who thrived on bouncing around on stage infinitely more than sitting in a studio. 

There’s little arguing that the Athens powerhouse trifecta of R.E.M., the B-52’s, and Pylon is peerless. And while all three bands have achieved great critical acclaim, only the first two had the commercial acclaim they deserved. Pylon Live intends to correct that. 

Pylon Live is being released on July 25, 2016, the birthday of deceased Pylon guitarist Randy Bewley, with release events scheduled for this summer in Atlanta and Athens. 

Pylon Live is for sale at, iTunes, Amazon, and wherever digital music is sold. 

Limited to 200 on magenta vinyl. 

Limited to 200 on clear vinyl. 

Unlimited on black vinyl.

Athens, Georgia Legends Pylon Release Two Live Tracks in Anticipation of Double LP!

At the height of their powers, Pylon performed their final show at the Mad Hatter in their hometown of Athens, Georgia in the winter of 1983.

Two enterprising gentlemen professionally filmed and recorded this show as a pilot for a potential Austin City Limits-style show called “Athens Shows,” but quickly abandonned the project. Shelved and forgotten about for over 30 years, this single marks the first newly released Pylon since the early nineties.

The sounds of Pylon are nothing new to hardcore fans, but this propulsive and powerful recording will be sure to keep you dancing and waiting in blissful anticipation for their double LP “Live” which will be due out on Randy Bewley’s birthday in late July.


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First newly released Pylon in over 25 years

Live show professionally recorded

Mixed by Derek Almstead

Mastered by Drew Crumbaugh

Design by Pylon bassist Michael Lachowski

Cut direct to lacquer at Chicago Mastering Service

Legendary Wendy’s Prank Call Released by Chunklet!

Prank calls are nothing new. The Jerky Boys took them to dizzying heights. Earles & Jensen took them to perverse lows. But the Corporate Office’s calls stand in a league all their own. Whereas most calls revolve around the caller’s shtick and the time before the other person hangs up, The Corporate Office relies more on action/reaction, less on routine. More than ten years ago this call was up on the Chunklet site and became an enormous hit. And now? It’s available again, and now for the first time on vinyl! Available as a one-sided 12″ in a deluxe Stoughton tip-on jacket in an edition of 100, this 6 minute Wendy’s call immediately ends up in the prank call hall of fame. And yes, this call is 100% real. Edition of 100.

Jason Molina RIP

Monday, 10AM. Not the time you expect to get a telephone call from an old friend. But sadly, I’m accustomed to it. Far too much.

On Saturday night, March 16, 2013, Jason Molina, the songwriting force behind Songs:Ohia and Magnolia Electric Company died from a body that had been drowned in alcohol for years on end. He was far too young to die and his friends and fans have experienced a massive loss. Jason was 39.

I first met Jason back in the 90’s when touring musicians would book shows on a pay phone while on the road. Jason was having difficulty booking a show in Athens (I was living in Atlanta by this time) and I arranged him to have a show at a tiny bar on College Ave. That was 1998. After that, we became quick friends. He toured the South routinely and would stay at Chunklet HQ and we’d trade quirky stories and laugh our asses off.

Jason was great by himself, but once he had the touring entourage that became Magnolia Electric Company, he really shined brightly. Maybe too brightly.

What many of us were slow to find out is that Molina had a pretty significant drinking problem. This disease, which snuffed out his life, controlled Jason for most of the last decade.

What made Jason so endearing was his lack of pretense. For as intense as he wrote, he was a goofball. But maybe, just maybe, his music was alluding to what was fighting inside him. The demons. The ghosts. The pain. The disease.

I get it. And, sadly, I get it all too well.

Jason Molina by Wes Frazer

About a year and a half ago, I wrote an impassioned plea to Jason’s fans. His estranged wife and bandmates would direct people to the post to better understand what he was going through. As a friend and a fan, I didn’t want to sit passively while he killed himself. Of course, even with all of his friends never leaving his side, he cashed out on Saturday night in Indianapolis with nothing but a cell phone in his pocket. My sincerest condolences go to his family who received the news.

Jason leaves behind him an enviable body of work that will be continually rediscovered because what Jason wrote wasn’t fashion. It was his heart. It was his love. It was his demons. And ultimately, it brought his life to an end.

God’s speed, Jason. God’s speed.

(including a live performance Jason did a block from my house back in ’05.)

Me, JMo and touring bro at Barrie Buck’s, 2005

Jason Molina – live on Newton Ave ’05

Best Shows I Saw in 2009 (+ Deerhunter Live at Club 529)

Major Stars/Mayyors/Obits – WFMU/Aquarius Records SXSW showcase
Eat Skull/Rusted Shut/Mayyors – Sound On Sound gig at SXSW
Mayyors/Thee Oh Sees/Intelligence – 1118 Linden house party at SXSW
Gentleman Jesse & His Men – Star Bar, EARL and Club 529, Atlanta

Mayyors’ John Pritchard at 1118 Linden kitchen party, Austin

The Axemen – in-store at Permanent Records, Chicago
Les Savy Fav – Whirlyball Atlanta, Roswell
Double Negative/GG King/Bukkake Boys/Vincas/a crust punk band called Bucket Flush (no joke) – Lenny’s, Atlanta
Obits – Drunken Unicorn, Atlanta
Deerhunter – Club 529, Atlanta
Harvey Milk, The Jesus Lizard, Sleep, The Pastels, Th’ Faith Healers at ATP in Minehead, UK
Sunn O))) – Seney-Stovall Chapel, Athens

Harvey Milk @ ATP, Minehead

Stuff I didn’t get to see, but heard was great:
TV Ghost/The Oh Sees – The EARL, Atlanta
The Scion Fest, Atlanta
Oblivians/Gories reunion tour

I’m sure I’ve missed a few and since I’ll be asked, yes, The Jesus Lizard are getting their own posting.

As a special gift, and as a way to say we still miss you BJ, I’m including a recording I made (and had mastered by Jeff Capurso) for a Deerhunter/Black Lips live LP that was going to benefit BJ’s burial expenses, but obviously never happened. I still think this 529 gig was one of the better Deerhunter gigs I’ve seen. Enjoy!

Deerhunter @ Club 529, Atlanta

Deerhunter – 01 – Atlanta @ Club 529 2APR09

Deerhunter – 02 – Atlanta @ Club 529 2APR09

Deerhunter – 03 – Atlanta @ Club 529 2APR09

Deerhunter – 04 – Atlanta @ Club 529 2APR09

Deerhunter – 05 – Atlanta @ Club 529 2APR09

Deerhunter – 06 – Atlanta @ Club 529 2APR09

Deerhunter – 07 – Atlanta @ Club 529 2APR09

Deerhunter – 08 – Atlanta @ Club 529 2APR09