I have Chris and Jacob at Criminal Records to thank for this list. It’s just too good NOT to share.
1. Myles (Lucy)
2. Shrapnel
3. Discharge
4. Scraggles
5. Musty
6. Crass The Dog
7. Boxcar
8. Panzer
9. Scraps
10. Patches
11. Bullet
12. Old Cigarette
13. Ümlaut
14. Spare Change
15. 40
16. Fleas and Lice
17. Flux of Red Ticks
18. Moo-Stache
19. Spike
20. Crusty the Dog & Sideshow Mange
21. Blisters
22. Death By Cider
23. Parvo
24. Ol’ Toothless
25. Lemmy
26. Shut Up You Stupid Fuckin’ Animal
27. Trusty
28. A Dog Of Wealth and Taste
29. Rudimentary Pupi
30. Ametix