You know, it’s not all punk rock histrionics and hipster noise ‘round here. Sometimes we all need a good dose of what Cab Calloway called “churchin’ up”. I was lucky enough to come across this here elpee in a box of junk a few weeks back and well, it just knocked me on my non-believer ass. First we have the amazing cover and once I flipped it around and saw those two guitar-wielding gents in their finest Sunday morning white suits I knew this sucker had a home. Fret not, it’s no billion dollar treasure, it can be plucked off the web on the fair side of cheap and I promise it would make for money well spent. Little is known about the SPS, they came out of Washington, D.C. in the late 1960’s, recorded a couple of 45’s and a couple of LP’s and then, well, who knows, maybe they’re still at it. But this 1976 platter shakes the steeple baby and I’m giving you a taste of two swinging tracks. Also, I figured with the impending arrival of The Rock Bible we could use all the positive mojo we could muster. Can you dig it? I knew that you could.
(sorry for the semi-noisy vinyl rip, it’s the cross I bear)

Sensational Prodigal Sons – Goin’ To A Meeting
Sensational Prodigal Sons – Witness