So I’ve been busy changing diapers and dealing with the bang and clang of construction here at Chunklet HQ, but the press juggernaut behind the Indie Cred Test has begun!
The Daily Swarm
Audiojerks (podcast)
Two Thousand (Australia)
The Agit Reader
Refinery 29
The Reader
The Hairpin (Indie Cred Test for girls)
The Indie Reader (if you consider a ‘sentence’ restating the cover a ‘review’)

I’m also including an interview I did this past week with the kind folks at WREK here in Atlanta. In the ten years since the last time I was at their studio (MOAM? did a radio session), they moved. So I was late. Instead of an hour long interview, you get 30 minutes. In those 30 minutes, I fire across a local music scribe’s bow, explain who Nirvana is/was and get to hate on Perry Farrell. I know, far too easy.
Chunklet on WREK (April ’11)