For fans, this is the salad days! The DVD just came out. Courtesy and Goodwill is being reissued this month by Relapse. And Troubleman’s releasing the new album this month. Oh my god! My ear canals aren’t prepared.
Our good buddy Sloan posted an entire live show from last year at the EARL.

So to top it off, there’s going to be three (yes, three!) shows with Harvey Milk in Georgia in October. Brace yerself for impact:
Friday, 10/27, The Drunken Unicorn (with Tenement Halls)
Saturday, 10/28, The 40 Watt (with Melvins with David Yow and Big Business)
Sunday, 10/29, Whirlyball Atlanta (with Melvins with David Yow and Big Business)

I guarantee these shows will sell out, so please buy tix now so I don’t have to avoid phone calls from you asking to be on the guest list.

Harvey Milk – F.S.T.P.
Harvey Milk – All The Live Long Day
Harvey Milk – Dick Slater