
Asshole Santa: Wrap Up

So the fourth annual Asshole Santa appearance at Criminal Records was this weekend. Another endurance test for this non-drinking, non-smoking, asocial douchebag.

Asshole Santa with an honest-to-god steam punk!

I think more than a few photos are still missing, but you can check out the photostream here.

Asshole Santa (and elves) with Eagles of Death Metal

Personal highlights? Having Jim Goad’s newborn Zane take pix (and he and his parents were a delight), two bangin’-assed stripper types taking multiple photos with their you-know-what’s in my face, Eagles of Death Metal and meeting a steam punk for the first time which made me laugh!

And hey, we raised money for PAWS Atlanta. Thanks to everybody at Criminal Records (especially Eric and Lillian), Dookie and Crappy the elves, and also to everybody that came out!

Asshole Santa with an honest-to-god tranny!