I was just watching The Jesus Lizard’s performance at Pitchfork and their subsequent interview by Chunklet pal Damian from Fucked Up and I came to the sad conclusion that if they were a new, up and coming band now, they wouldn’t have a chance in hell.

Why? Well, it certainly doesn’t matter to me, but they just don’t have a slick look, they’re kind of dumpy looking, not terribly chatty in interview situations and even Goat-era Lizard would’ve been a good ten years older than their trendy counterparts. I don’t know. Should I care? I guess they were the right band at the right time, but I just think of the handful of bands now (Mayyors, Pissed Jeans, et al.) that just don’t have a "look" and, well, it’s depressing is all.
In more upbeat news, I just bought my tix to see The Jesus Lizard in San Diego (at the Casbah?!?!) and Los Angeles. Get pumped!