By this point in my life, I’ve become accustomed to a certain level of bizarre (yet welcome) events happening. I could go on forever on this subject. I think it should be a book, actually.
But in the mail this past week was an unexpected box of tapes from Chris Thomson. For those who don’t know, Chris Thomson was in the band Lunch Meat (which went on to be Soulside and then GVSB), Ignition, Fury, Red Eye Legends, and then the series of bands he’s best known for: Circus Lupus, The Monorchid and Skull Kontrol.
Here’s Chris’ note:

In this box was a jaw-dropping collection of goodies that I’m still trying to wrap my head around. Live Monorchid, Nation of Ulysses, Lunchmeat, Universal Order of Armageddon. Two radio sessions by Rites of Spring and Marginal Man. Ignition demos. Two demo tapes by Rites of Spring. A tape simply called "Gangster Chronicles" which, I’m guessing, is a pre-Make*Up session.
The two most astounding finds deserve their own paragraph. First, two (yes, two) demo tapes by Cupid Car Club along with a live gig from Minneapolis in ’93. Second, three tapes of Getaway Car. Getaway Car was Mike Fellows (Rites of Spring, Happy Go Licky), Kim Thompson (CCC, Delta 72) and Guy from Fugazi. Did I know they existed? No. Did I lose my mind when this stuff arrived? Uh, yeah.

So this next month or two will be seeing these recordings proliferating themselves on the Chunklet site. I’ve already encoded the Cupid Car stuff and it’s fan-freakin-tastic. Be patient.
ALSO! Anybody reading this that has a neglected box of awesomeness in their house, I will take fantastic care of it. First Peter Prescott’s collection of tapes and now this? Unreal.