I’m cleaning out my in-box and this email has been staring at me square between the eyes for six months. And well, instead of rewriting what this gentleman so eloquently states, I thought it best to just cut and paste and let his truth shine out. It should come as no surprise that Chunklet has been long-time fans and friends of 6FS for (at least) 17 years. So without further ado, from Mr. M. Thomas Davies, Toronto (who I hope will let me buy him a beer or five at NXNE next month):
Lessons Learned From Recent Six Finger Satellite Show In Toronto
-Never make fun of one of your favorite bands whilst standing next to the soundboard… Apparently, they can hear you, and when low attendance + bad weather + a show in Canada are all on the menu, it could be mistaken for "being an asshole".
-Never judge a band based on their singer’s potbelly and the new drummer’s ponytail and the fact that one of the major contributors left 10+ years ago and the band itself broke up 8+ years ago. These things, apparently, mean nothing. And expectations and preconceptions, when shattered, are a humbling experience.
-It is not a band’s job to humble your shitty attitude, you selfish prick.
-It is possible for 40 year old men to wipe the floor with a roomful of 20 year old boys.
-It is possible for 40 year old men to wipe the floor with their 20 year old selves.
-Is this band ever going to get its fucking due? Seriously, what the fuck?

While Severe Exposure is a guaranteed party, Law of Ruins is a fucking masterpiece, deserving of suitcases of cash and its own exhibition wing at the Guggenheim (whatever the fuck that is) entitled "Everything Ever Good At Once With The Addition Of Things Never Heard On Record Before".
This new shit they’re on is quite good. Live, this was perhaps the best outta the three other times seeing the band in their "prime". This includes the time when sandwiched ‘tween some supremely supershitty mid-90’s indie rock bands had the entire audience backed into one corner of the room, feeling about an inch tall and as lame as an ironic tattoo. Also of note: The only band to ever hold their own on a bill against The Jesus Lizard.
A Chunklet-stamped Six Finger Satellite write-up is a must.
End transmission.

I’ve included a Six Finger show from ’95 at the Paradise in Boston when they were opening for Mike Watt. Also including a brief J Ryan intv from the same era. I’m 99% sure it was all recorded by Jon Littlefield. So thank you, Jon.
Personally, I find it difficult to not speak in hyperbole when discussing the band, so I’ll just say that they were easily one of the best bands I’ve ever seen live and it was a crying shame that their performance at SXSW last year was the ONLY performance they did in Austin while far lesser bands were doing five or six. Such a crying shame.
While discussing crying shames, I’d be criminally remiss if I didn’t mention that 6FS has released a record they did ten years ago on Load (highly recommended) and a new record of new jams on Anchor Brain (also highly recommended).
Over and out.

Six Finger Satellite – Boston ’95
J Ryan interview ’95