
Kickstarter Successful! Buy Overrated Book for $9.99!

Well, we’ve got a few more hours left on our Kickstarter campaign, but it’s looking like we did it with some room to spare. Man, over $19K in six weeks? Golly, you like us. You really do!

Since the Indie Cred Test is written, proofed and edited, now all we’ve gotta do is lay it out, send it off to get manufactured, get records pressed along with shrits and sweatshirts printed. Yeah, nothing big. But seriously….

A sincere thank you (yet again) to all of you that believed in this project and donated, tweeted, facebooked and anything else you could do to help. An additional special thanks to Newmerica who have cranked out the vids you’ve seen in an attempt to help generate interest in our special project. So to them, a robust thanks.

As a reward to all of you that have liked (or maybe even loved) our writing in the past, we’re offering up the first Chunklet publication, "The Overrated Book" for $9.99. Get in on it…

Wow. Thanks, Mark!

To all that have contributed to the Kickstarter campaign, expect updates over the coming weeks and months. And on a personal note, my wife and I will be expecting our first child in April so trust me, I’ll be wanting to get this behemoth out of my in-box and into your mailbox sooner rather than later.

And now that I’m done with this campaign, this blog can go back to being obsessive and nerdy. But apart from the Indie Cred Test, expect a 2xDVD by Floor by the end of year! Yeah, Floor! Get pumped!