Are you there, internet? It’s me, Chunklet.
I’ve been a good boy all year and have decided to reciprocate by offering a couple special internet only specials to help line many a holiday stocking.
First off is a combo deal including the new issue of Chunklet (issue 20 – The Last Magazine Ever Printed), The Rock Bible (released by our friends at Quirk Books) and the Zach Galifianakis/Ted Leo 7". Buy it here….

Secondly! Do you or someone you know love Harvey Milk’s first three records? Well, now you can get them all on vinyl for a special discounted price! Shipping to Europe and all locales overseas is still a smidge higher (and we apologize) but it’s still cheaper than if you bought them all separately on the site. Get in on it here.
Also! A few Rock Bible tour updates. Due to scheduling conflicts, the Glasgow appearance on 3 December has been cancelled! Sorry Scotland! I promise to try and get back around May or so. However, the appearance at the Isis/Torche show in London at the Scala on 4 December is still on as is All Tomorrow’s Parties this coming weekend in Minehead. Come and find us, buy us expensive scotch, then buy stuff and hey, who knows? Jon Jon might make a cameo along the way! Keep yer eyes peeled for that magic!

In more Georgia-based news, a few exciting shows have just been confirmed! Two shows with Les Savy Fav at the EARL and Whirlyball Atlanta! This’ll signal the sixth or seventh time that the Fav have been to the EARL, but the FIRST time they will have been to the hallowed Whirlyball stage. To add to the specialness of the event, a unique version of their Chunklet released "Let’s Stay Friends" LP will be sold exclusively at this show. Record Nerd Alert: Edition of 50! Both shows are at very small venues, so get to gittin’! Buy your tickets here (EARL) and here (Whirlyball).
Also coming up are two special engagements with Mr. Patton Oswalt in Athens and Atlanta. Tickets for both shows are already selling briskly, so buy now! Don’t say you weren’t warned!
And finally! Effed Up (F*cked Up), The Carbonas and more spam filter unfriendly bands at the EARL in January. Check out the poster! Now buy tickets!
And that is all, Internet. I miss you dearly. Please write soon and don’t forget to vote in the run-off election in Georgia tomorrow.
Love ever, hurt never.