I promise to write a more lengthy plea for this when I get back, but I count Jay Robbins as a great old friend of mine. Although many of you will remember him from Jawbox and Burning Airlines, he moved to Baltimore a few years back and set up a home with Janet Morgan (former Southern Records employee) and 8 months ago had a baby named Cal. Recently, Cal was diagnosed with Type 1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Reading about it when I woke up this morning absolutely broke my heart. And it breaks my heart even more that such awesome folk as Jay and Janet are having to resort to this, but they need your help. Obviously their health insurance won’t cover Cal’s mounting doctor bills and seeing as how you, dear chunklet.com reader, probably have enough left over money in your paypal account to actually make a difference, I urge you to go and help Jay, Janet and Cal RIGHT NOW! I’ll blabber more about this later (probably most about how horrible it is that there’s not national health care), but I must cut this short. Seriously, go give them money you were going to spend on that overpriced record or Nintendo Wii immediately.