
Harvey Milk screening – Allston

The last east coast tour we did ended in Martha’s Vineyard and I had my wife as my driving companion on the long trip back to Atlanta. This time I wasn’t so lucky. However, I was able to squeeze in some fun along the way.

Zach Lazar from Black Helicopter at Great Scott, Allston

I did a screening of the Harvey Milk DVD at Great Scott in Allston. Paul Trudeau came out with his wife and a couple friends. Ayal Naor (who originally released Courtesy and The Pleaser) came out with his lady Maria. Michael Babcock from Interrobang came out. And of course, the mofos in Black Helicopter made an appearance. Have you bought their new record yet? If you haven’t……you must. Like, right now. Zach from BH helped me get this screening together with Carl who books Great Scott. So much fun.
The real surprise of the night was the mighty and powerful Blacktail who played after "Anthem". Having a Boston noise rock pedigree that includes members of La Gritona and Luca Brasi, I was actually planning to hit the road before they started just to get to my hotel room on the other side of New Haven quicker, but the second they started, I had to stick around for their whole set. Droney, noisy, and surprisingly catchy as shit. Yeah, something right up my alley. I’m so predictable. I really look forward to seeing them again.

Blacktail at Great Scott, Allston

Unfortunately, I had to leave almost immediately after their set in order to check into my hotel 3 hours away. 2 Red Bulls, 5 Diet Pepsis, 2 donuts and a Pop Tart later, I arrived in Bridgeport, Connecticut. God, I hate checking in around 5 in the morning. The night staff never likes seeing you. Kinda reminded me of that late check-in back in Philly a week ago. Oy.

Blacktail – Styrofoam Island

Blacktail – Cobra Kai

Black Helicopter – Buick Electra

Black Helicopter – Warshed Out