
Comedians of Comedy – NYC

New York is as New York does.

I should start off by telling you that I found out that my wife passed the bar and was joining me in New York and Philly for the tour for a bit of well-deserved celebration. She was out shopping while we did two shows at Irving Plaza.

Our Irving Plaza shows are always fun. In fact, I’d almost go so far as saying they’re always the craziest of all the tours. I mean, I know that LA is their home town, but seeing them with New York comedians is always a hell of a lot more fun for me.

Jon Glazer with a pic of him on a jet ski

Special guests of note were John Mulaney, Aziz Ansari, Heather Lawless, Jon Benjamin, David Cross (introduced as Dave C. Ross) along with the usual cast of characters. Jon Glazer’s bit was excruciatingly hysterical, painfully awkward and kinda stole the show (at least as far as the guest sets went). Maria had to deal with a particularly nasty heckler and (of course) Patton proceeded to bury him when he came out after her.

Patton was particularly excited that two of the cast members from The Wire were there, but I’ve still yet to make it past the first season on DVD, so I guess I’ll have to wait to find out what I was missing. Rachel Dratch and Scott Adsit were two other highlights along with a hilarious guest list request from two windbags from the Martha Stewart Show. Hilarious.

I seemed to order a lot of pizzas that got immediately devoured upon arrival and the night just flew by. The next morning we left for Philly to do our third visit to the TLA on South Street.

These guys were moving to LA and ran into us on the Jersey Turnpike….