
Comedians of Comedy – New York City

The day before this show was spent driving and scrambling around to see Celtic Frost and then the party at the Spotted Pig, but day-of-show in New York was nutty. I was thinking that I’d finally get a decent night’s sleep, but no dice. Sarah woke up early to go shopping and I got up around 10 and was answering email and on the phone the entire time leading up to the show.
Logistically, the show was kind of fucked. A projection screen that was to arrive by 4 wasn’t at the venue until 10 minutes before doors opened and the stage manager’s native language was Italian so there was just way too much miscommunication given the nature of his job. However, the show itself was spectacular.

Brian, Patton, Cross, (me), Dave Rath and Sarah, Irving Plaza, NYC ’06

I think the show was like $28 at the door, but if you wanted to break it down, it was easily the best money spent for a night of comedy ever. Not only were Patton, Brian, Morgan and Eugene performing, but there was a cavalcade of stars rotating in for the shows….. David Cross and Jon Benjamin did a great conceptual piece that went off without a hitch. Nick Swardsen also performed. And then Jonathan Glazer did a jaw-droppingly simple yet brilliant piece as the insult comic Johnny Ding Dong.

Cross, Eugene, Jon Benjamin, Irving Plaza ’06

Got to see a ton of friends at the show. Seth Jabour showed up. Tom Scharpling came. Met and bonded with Terre T about our mutual disdain for modern hipster publications. And of course as always, Todd Hanson from The Onion came and let me touch his beard. That shit is so fucking tight.

Tom Scharpling and Todd Hanson at the after party on Avenue B, NYC