It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times…..
Flew across the country for barely 40 hours in Southern Calfornia only to high tail it back and get home by 5am last night. Oh goody.

Arrived on time at Coachella at 9:30am. Got squared away. This left us with time to survey the polo grounds with nothing other than crew there. Luther and I went to catering and heard what we thought were people soundchecking for The Jesus And Mary Chain. When we realized "holy shit, that really IS the Jesus And Mary Chain" we went over and had a 30 minute soundcheck/performance where we were two of probably 5 people watching them. Of course, 12 hours later, they’d play to a few more ten thousand. Scarlett Johansson came out and sound checked with them and (obviously) came out to do two songs with them that night. I was thoroughly unimpressed. I would’ve thought any slightly talented yahoo in the crowd could’ve done the job. Of course, they succeeded in having Scarlett fill in.

The COC show went super well. Brent Weinbach, HardNPhirm and Howard Kremer were new to the mix. Overall great sets. Zach got a standing ovation as did Patton. The crowd noise for the entire 2 1/2 hour set was akin to an airplane engine. Just deafening. Last time it was like that was at the Logan Square show in Chicago.
Ran into a lot of friends, got to leave by 10 and took Posehn back to his house. Went for sushi Saturday morning and hopped a plane home. Except for the show, it was so uneventful it wasn’t even funny.